Saturday, June 13, 2009

Ten Reasons to Book a Cruise Now!

Are you dreaming of fantastic dream vacation - Ten reasons why now is the right time. (1) Unprecedented Low Pricing - major cruise lines have slashed prices. 20 to 50% off 2009 or early 2010 cruises.MSC Cruises offers 'Kids Sail Free'. (2) Cruise Vacation Inclusivity - cruise fares include accommodations, dining, entertainment,special experiences such as the Captain's Cocktail Reception for all inclusive price. Some luxury lines include extra perks, complimentary alcoholic beverages such a mini-bar in your cabin, wine with dinner, pre-paid gratuities & complimentary shore outings. (3) Airfare Inclusions or Assistance - either low fares or free air - depends on the special. (4) Special Programs - if you have a hobby or special interest,likely there is a cruse to match- ballroom dancing, quilting, music festivals, NASCAR. (5) Cash Back and/or Large Ship Board Credits - extra cash credited to your on board account is very handy when buying items in the gift shop or pay for a shore excursion. (6) Affordable Cruise Vacations to Europe! - traveling to Europe can be pricey because of the exchange rate for EUROS. Consider a European Cruise on a major cruise line and pay in US dollars. (7) Many Cruise Lines offering Advance Discounts by booking 6 months or more in advance. Avalon Waterways is offering $1000 per couple of 2010 cruises if booked by June 30, 2009. (8) High Customer Satisfaction - a survey conducted by CLIA ( reports customers returning from their cruise with 95% satisfaction rate. (9) Job Loss Guarantees are included within travel insurance options (10) Book Your Next Cruise and Earn a Free Cruise when you have 7 other couples join you!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Are You License To Sail?

If you are cruising after June 1, 2009, you may meet the new requirements without a US Passport. How so? US Passport Card. This might just be your ticket for cruising when you have not desire to cruise. It's because of WHTI. What's that you say? It's the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative which is a result of the Intelligence Regorm & Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004. The goal is to help facilitate entry of US citizens and legitimate foreign visitors by providing a standardized document allowing Department of Homeland Security to quickly identify you. Click on the link I've added to this blog. If you need assistance with getting this US Passport Card for your next trip, let me know.